Upcoming CoP events

Calendar of Events

Looking for events such as webinars, trainings, and conferences to better serve children and youth with special health needs? This calendar lists valuable events hosted by the Minnesota Pediatric Care Community: Community of Practice as well as events hosted by other organizations. Missed an event? Check past event listings for recordings of webinars, CoP events include recordings and other organizations might provide webinar recordings on their websites.

Community of Practice Archives

If you would like to access information from past Pediatric Care Coordination: Community of Practice sponsored events. Please visit the Archives page.

Participation Guidelines

We are committed to providing a welcoming environment for all who attend Community of Practice events. We expect all participants who attend these events, whether in person or virtual, to abide by our Participation Guidelines. We reserve the right to remove participants from events if we deem their behavior to violate the Participation Guidelines.

Have an event that you’d like us to add? Let us know about it below.

Submit an Event.

Are you hosting an event that would be valuable to the care coordinators in this community of practice? Are you aware of an upcoming event that would benefit this audience? Please share it with us!


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