Pediatric Care Coordination:

Community of Practice

Wednesday, October 14, 2020


We hope you’ve been exploring the new website for the Minnesota statewide Pediatric Care Coordination: Community of Practice:! Maybe you’ve found a webinar to attend through our events page or a helpful resource on the materials page. Perhaps you’ve posted a question to your peers on the forum. Thank you for being part of strengthening this Community of Practice!

If you want a refresher on how to engage with the website, check out this introductory video.

If you know of other people who may be interested in being part of this community, please invite them to become a member for free.

Wendy Berghorst and the ACET team

PLEASE RSVP: Upcoming Webinar

Centering on the Margins: Improving Care Coordination for Transgender and Gender Diverse Children and Youth

Dr. Angela Kade Goepferd, MD

Tuesday October 20, 2020 | Noon to 1:00 pm CT

Webinar Objectives:
- Illustrate barriers experienced by transgender pediatric patients
- Describe best practices for providing affirming and supportive care
- Define common phrases and terms

Dr. Angela Kade Goepferd is the Chief Education Officer, Vice Chief of Staff, Senior Director of Interpersonal Education and the Medical Director for the Gender Health Program at Children's Minnesota. She continues to see patients in the Children’s Minneapolis Primary Care Clinic, where she has been working for the last 14 years.

Mental Health and Resiliency Tools for Health Care Workers: COVID-19

New from MDH! Tools and resources for health care leaders and workers to deal with common mental, emotional, and psychological concerns they have because of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Our Forum: An Invitation to Share and Learn

Community of Practice members have access to the forum, a place to virtually connect with other members and share information. Want advice about a challenge you’re encountering at work? Have some experience or wisdom to share? We invite you to participate in the forum! Recent posts include how to help youth transition to adult care and strategies for supporting families and patients during COVID-19.


Reflecting on 10 Years of Care Coordination

Tara Mahin, BA Care Coordinator at South Lake Pediatrics

I started with South Lake Pediatrics as a care coordinator ten years ago this past August. Celebrating my 10th anniversary has given me the opportunity to reflect on my care coordination journey.

As with many care coordinators, my path into this role was not a straight line. My previous experience had been in education as an early childhood and elementary education teacher. My first role working in this field was with a state grant from DHS for depression care. The purpose of the grant was to begin establishing referral connections with mental health organizations in the community. We piloted a referral process which allowed us to close the loop on referrals for depression. This led to more direct communication between primary care providers and mental health care professionals. Ten years ago, mental health and primary care operated as silos. Ten years later, we have integrated behavioral health care at South Lake Pediatrics, where coordination of care is now seamless.

Ten years ago, Health Care Homes was in its infancy. South Lake Pediatrics was one of the first pediatric clinics to become certified with MDH. This is when my true education as a care coordinator began. At that time, collaboration was fragmented and care coordinators were often working alone. I learned how to navigate the various systems of care. I realized the benefit of networking with people in all different roles in the community. I asked questions of everyone and Google was my best friend. Much has improved for this industry in the last ten years. Care coordinators now have the ability to connect and network with many people in all different roles and sectors in the community. The Pediatric Care Coordination: Community of Practice website makes it easier to find the people who have the answers to the questions you have.

It is exciting to see the progress that happens when smart people work toward improving care for patients. It will be interesting to see how care coordination continues to evolve over the next ten years!

Grant Opportunity to Improve Birth Outcomes

Chosen clinics will have access to proven tools to screen, coach, and refer women to services during well-child checks. This opportunity is for family medicine and pediatric clinics that want to improve birth outcomes while promoting the health of women, children, and families. Find more information here.


If this newsletter has been forwarded to you and you’re not already a member of this community, please consider signing up for the Pediatric Care Coordination: Community of Practice by clicking the button below (you will also be added to the newsletter list).


“Every morning we are born again. What we do today is what matters most.”


The Pediatric Care Coordination: Community of Practice is a program coordinated by ACET Inc. under a grant funded by the Minnesota Department of Health. Opinions expressed herein do not necessarily represent the Minnesota Department of Health’s position or policy.

Feel free to share this newsletter with anyone who can benefit from the content provided within.

For more information, please contact

ACET, Inc., Minneapolis, MN